Bounce back from heartbreak: 9 tips to get your groove back again
Maybe you saw it coming or maybe you didn’t. The loss of a relationship, regardless of who initiated the breakup, is a loss. It doesn’t...

The Hidden Mystery Behind Why He Didn't Call
One thing that frustrates all women when they’re out there dating is when a man doesn’t call after a seemingly great date. Does this...

Vulnerability, Dating and the Modern Woman
If you’re like a lot of independent and successful women, you may have bought into the myth that men are afraid or intimidated by this...

Fairy Tales That Keep Us From Happily Ever After
Those fantastic fairy tales we grew up with - Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and, each with their Prince Charming. Fairy tales are great...

Why Are You Single? How To Answer The Dreaded Question
Have you ever been in the throes of a great start to a first date and suddenly he tosses out the dreaded question, “Why are you single?”...