He’s Not Playing Hard To Get, He’s Just Not Interested: 3 Signs He's Not Into You
I'm on a mission to help women see the truth about their dating reality. So many women tell me about time they've wasted on the wrong...

3 Ways To Get Your Flirt On
Most of us would like to be better at flirting. It seems as though the most expert flirters among us mingle effortlessly with the...

Are You The Total Package? 4 Things That Tell A Man That You Are
Picture this: you’ve just met a man who is the total package. He’s got looks women swoon over, the smarts to impress a Rhodes scholar,...

Should You Continue to Date Him? Consider These 2 Questions First
You’re dating a man and on the fence about whether to keep dating him or let him go. It may be that he doesn’t have the exact qualities that

What Men REALLY Want From Women
Part of the work I do with my clients centers on attracting more of the right type of man for them by knowing their core needs and values....

3 Things You Need To Know To Attract A High Quality Man To Your Online Profile
Are you getting the results you want with your online dating profile? If not, it could be that there are things written in your profile...

Bounce back from heartbreak: 9 tips to get your groove back again
Maybe you saw it coming or maybe you didn’t. The loss of a relationship, regardless of who initiated the breakup, is a loss. It doesn’t...

The Hidden Mystery Behind Why He Didn't Call
One thing that frustrates all women when they’re out there dating is when a man doesn’t call after a seemingly great date. Does this...

Vulnerability, Dating and the Modern Woman
If you’re like a lot of independent and successful women, you may have bought into the myth that men are afraid or intimidated by this...

Fairy Tales That Keep Us From Happily Ever After
Those fantastic fairy tales we grew up with - Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and, each with their Prince Charming. Fairy tales are great...