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"My work with Nicole was nothing short of transformational. Divorced for four years, I was overwhelmed with the thought of how to date again, let alone how to find the right partner for me. Our work went deeper than being a more effective dater, though. She helped me realize that the rules I had around relationship were creating my results. What I appreciate most is how Nicole supported and encouraged me and always gently challenged my assumptions. I didn't think the shifts I made would impact other areas of my life. I came to realize that how I was showing up in relationship to men was also how I was showing up with family, friends and co-workers. I'm excited about the possibilities now; my confidence has shot up and my new way of being has been empowering. Thank you, thank you, thank you for showing me "that I am all that, and a bag of chips." Learning about my feminine grace and trying to live in it has been a priceless gift you have given me. I look forward to working with you more in the future."
Natalie K.
"After a five minute conversation with Nicole I had a new perspective on love and relationships. I had no idea the power we women have on men, through a simple action or word. I have learned SO much through Nicole's enlightening approach. She understood where I was coming from and was able to pinpoint my fears and ask me questions that gently shifted my beliefs about relationships. I have become empowered and confident with the truth about my unique qualities and myself and have stopped fantasizing about what is not happening in my life. This alone had an enormous impact on my life and the men around me. I started changing the way I communicate and it has already created a significant difference in the way men respond to me. Nicole is a powerful coach. I only wish I'd made the investment sooner."
Anne C.
"Nicole is such a blessing and she always brightens my day. I think we all must make our own decisions; however, Nicole helps me think differently. Graceful in her approach: she is gentle when I need it and challenging when I don’t know I need it! Both to great effect. She is one of the most skilled and intuitive coaches around. The most valuable thing I have gotten from coaching with Nicole is the ability to see myself with unlimited potential. That she can see me as something more, inspires me to see myself as something more. I’ve come to understand that the relationship I have with myself impacts every relationship I have whether it’s career, family, friends or romantic. I highly recommend Nicole to anyone looking to take their life to the next level. It will be transformational.”
Andy S.
“Working with Nicole has been a game changer. After only a few sessions, and the guided introspection between our conversations, my energy has shifted to joyfully being the chooser, not the chosen. What this looks like for me is ‘zero’ anxiety and an ability to connect to my joyfulness and curiosity when meeting men and mindfully choosing which ones get through the gate for a phone call and a date. And yes, I’m having fun on my dates!”
Joan N.
“Married for 35 years and divorced less than one year, I am learning a whole new and different way to date. I now have an abundance of high-quality men that I'm dating. For the first time in my life men are doing very thoughtful and loving things for me. I'm really enjoying the dating process and have Nicole to thank for showing me how to lean back and receive a man’s pursuit. I not only learned how to make online dating work for me with a profile that Nicole helped me create but, discovering how to meet men offline was equally valuable. More importantly, it’s through Nicole’s support and encouragement that I was able to let go of the blocks that were holding me back in attracting the kind of men in whom I am interested.”
Tricia H.
"I have been one of those people who didn’t get a lot of response to my online dating profile and couldn’t figure out why. Working with Nicole has helped me be more open, clarify and expand my expectations and date outside my comfort zone. She has given me practical tools and constructive scripts so that I can set boundaries more easily. With her guidance I revised my online dating profile to attract the kind of man that I will be best matched in values and temperament. Within a week of posting my revised profile, I experienced a 180 turn around in the type of men that were contacting me - the kind of men that I'm interested in and want to meet. It is clear that Nicole understands what makes a great profile, is incredibly insightful and I always feel affirmed by her acknowledgment and listening. I highly recommend her coaching. I'm so grateful to Nicole for helping me gain my confidence again in dating!"
Sandi K.
"Before working with Nicole, I spent the last couple of years healing from a painful divorce. I wanted to get back on the dating scene but was stuck, not knowing how to begin. Nicole helped me change my focus and I'm now moving forward. I am the most important person in my life and that realization has been life-changing for me. Everyone needs to be supported and encouraged through the rough parts of self-growth by someone who understands the process. Nicole is that person. She helped me get clear on my values and those of my most aligned partner. This helped tremendously when we updated my online dating profile. It didn't end there because Nicole supported me with tools, resources, and scripts that were invaluable. Thank you, Nicole, for restoring hope in my future, confidence in myself and reminding me to pursue the activities that I love. I now know I needed Nicole's support making my heart ready for love."
Sharon B.
"After being divorced for over 7 years, having a 3-year relationship, multiple short term relationships and riding the carousel of one time
around on the internet dating cycle, I came to an understanding about myself; what I'd always done in my relationships was not producing
the results I wanted, a long-term committed relationship.
I’d invested in my health and appearance by working with a physical trainer, engaging a nutritionist and made regular visits to a
dermatologist for micro derma this and botox that. After all that and still receiving the same results in my dating life, I realized I needed to invest in my relationship skills. That’s where Nicole came in. She was able to assist me in determining what it was I really wanted from a relationship (I’m embarrassed to say as a successful business woman, I never thought to dissect my own wants and needs). Working with Nicole helped me identify not only the type of person I wanted in my life but also the barriers that were keeping me from achieving that goal.
Nicole introduced me to new tools that helped me gain positive results. She challenged me to think differently about what I was putting out to the universe without realizing it. She encouraged me to pay attention to how men treated me. When I put into practice how to receive a man’s pursuit and stopped initiating and being accommodating, I had an altogether different and very positive experience with men. With Nicole as my private relationship coach, I had a bit of an awaking and discovered what brought me happiness and ways to apply that in my life.
I am now married to the man I met using the online dating profile Nicole helped me write. He treats me with kindness and adoration. I'm excited about our future together.
I highly recommend Nicole to anyone who desires to take ownership of the relationships in their life and get on the path to self-awareness and fulfillment. She understands the plight of the working, successful urban woman over 40. Thank you, Nicole, for giving me a better understanding of myself and tools I will use for the rest of my life."
Sheri L.
"When Nicole helped me craft a profile tailored to who I'm looking for, I had an immediate change in my responses. I've had 7 dates in 9 days!!! She has given me practical tools and constructive conversations to create boundaries with grace while enhancing the messages I send to men. Nicole is a great listener pulling out the most important nuggets of truth to focus on, encouraging and observant. Thank you, Nicole, for helping me overcome my hesitations and get my love life back on track!"
Beth A.
"Working with Nicole in her coaching program for the past six months has been great. I discovered her when I needed a path forward to finding a new relationship. Her researched-based knowledge, her values-focused approach and her true “coaching” skills combined to help me do just that. Delving into what I truly liked and wanted in a man, what people like about me (that I would also want a man to like), and combining that into an online dating profile designed to attract the right responses was exceptionally valuable. I had fun following her approach to photos for online dating sites as I put together my portfolio. Nicole also provided solid advice on how to communicate in online dating. All in all, Nicole is a fabulous resource, knows her stuff, and is committed to the success of her clients."
Paula A.