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Attract and Keep Your Man: Exclusive VIP Coaching
I work with a select number of one on one clients to support them in their journey to attracting and finding the right man for them. My clientele is small and space is limited.
In addition to working on your online dating profile, some of the insights you'll get:
Where to find quality men near you
Why you are wasting time with men who flirt or text you, but, won't date you seriously
Why the #1 dating tip for women is to do nothing and stop initiating
Why successful women tell themselves they intimidate men when they really turn them off
How to strike up a conversation with a handsome guy without being aggressive or looking desperate
You'll feel confident, enjoy more peace of mind about dating and have the skills you need to connect with the right man for you.

Attract Your Man Online Profile Writing Starter Kit
I work with clients to write their online dating profiles. Including key words and phrases makes a difference in who you attract online - not to mention the right kind of pictures.
Half-day profile writing session
One 30-minute follow up coaching call
Tips on messaging dates
Photo Selection