8 Gifts That Will Lead You To Love

'Tis the season of giving and receiving, and your love life deserves a present!
I'm a fan of extreme self-care as a way to attract love from the inside out.
Doing things that bring you joy is extreme self-care.
How will you be giving to yourself?
If you buy gifts for everyone else, why not get something that will help you find relationship happiness?
But what should you get?
Here are 8 fun and helpful gifts for your love life:
1. Take a vacation day just for YOU. Use more than some days off for family activities or doctor appointments. Take one for YOU on a random Tuesday or Thursday, and plan your ideal day.
Take yourself out to lunch and sit at the bar. Look around, smile at three men, strike up a conversation with a stranger, and practice opening yourself up a little. The first step to figuring it all out is to take the time to figure it out.
2. Enjoy a cup of holiday-flavored coffee with a happily married or partnered friend. Spend time discussing what you seek in a man and a relationship. Ask her how she found her man and what she does to keep them happy. Write down what you learn.
It helps to talk with someone to start articulating what you want your love life to look like. It's also good to get tips and a little reality check from someone who understands what you want.
3. Build your boyfriend-finding community by telling 2 or 3 people you admire that you are looking for someone special. Let them know you are ready to find your forever love, admire them, and be sure they have quality friends. They want to say that if they know anyone special, think of you.
Think of it as networking for love! People love to help and to match-make, so you are giving them a gift too.
4. Get an appointment with a makeup artist. Have her or him update your makeup routine and give you an easy day look and an evening/date look. Keep the chart they give you by your mirror for easy reference on how to recreate your look and for easy date prep!

5. Buy yourself something new for your wardrobe that will make you feel first-date ready—a wrap dress in a vibrant color (not black). Remember, on most dates, you are seen primarily from the waist up, especially if you're on one via FaceTime or Zoom so spend your money enhancing that area. Earrings, necklace, new lipstick—you get it.
6. Make room in your life for love. You can hire a professional organizer or read a book and purge away.
It is much likelier that you will make physical room in your space for someone to move in or make it easier for you to move out.
Manifest your future. When your house is uncluttered, your mind will be uncluttered, too.
7. Upgrade your online profile photos. Anyone who works with me privately knows I insist on professional photos mixed with candid photos. Lighting is everything. So get those selfies off your profile and do it right!
In my Attract Your Man Online Profile Writing Starter Kit, I give you concrete suggestions for profile photos that will attract the right kinds of men. You will also learn why some pictures on your profile inadvertently turn men off.
8. Speaking of profiles, please grab a space in my Attract Your Man Online Profile Writing Starter Kit program. I will support you through the process of either writing a new profile or sprucing up your current one. You will learn to create a unique profile that is appealing and reflective of the best you and attracts exactly the kind of man you want. It's how I've helped many clients.
Remember, if you want to find your forever love, you need to know how to do it.
Did you know those dating apps you've been on or heard about will experience another 30% surge in new subscriptions in January? For many, a New Year's resolution is finding a romantic partner.
What gift will you give yourself? Post a comment below - I'd love to know!